Aboriginal Carers Support
Carers General ATSI brochure (2770 KB)
Link: http://www.carersnsw.org.au/how-we-help/support/aboriginal
First Peoples Disability Network
First People Disability Network Australia (FPDN) is a national organisation of and for Australia’s First Peoples with disability, their families and communities.
Link: www.fpdn.org.au.
Indigenous Disability Advocacy Service
The Indigenous Disability Advocacy Service [IDAS] can assist Indigenous people with most types of disability, their families and carers when the person they are looking after needs help, especially if they have been unfairly treated or are confused about a big decision. For more information about IDAS you can call them on 02 4722 3524.
Disability Advocacy NSW
Disability Advocacy (DA) is a program of Advocacy Law Alliance Inc. Link: da.org.au
People with Disability (PWD)
A service for people with a disability who live in NSW. Family members, carers, disability workers and others can also ask to help a person with disability. Contact by phone on Monday to Friday between 1pm and 4:30pm. Telephone (02) 9370 3100 1800 422 015 When you call, ask for the Intake Officer.
Link: www.pwd.org.au Link: Advocacy Service brochure
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association
Telephone: (02) 9891 6400 Toll free 1800 629 072 Link: www.mdaa.org.au
Physical Disability Council of NSW
Telephone: 1800 688 831 Link: www.pdcnsw.org.au
Family Advocacy
Family Advocacy NSW is an independent, community based social advocacy organisation which works across New South Wales Australia. They provide training and support for families to speak up for opportunities for people with a disability. Contact on 02 9869 0866 or freecall 1800 620 588 for non-metropolitan NSW callers only Link: www.family-advocacy.com
Multicultural NSW
Promoting multiculturalism, ethnic affairs, cultural diversity, community unity and harmony in one of the most culturally diverse States of the world, New South Wales, Australia Telephone: (02) 8255 6767 Link: multicultural.nsw.gov.au
Multilingual Disability Hub
On this website, you will find relevant and accessible information on disability and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in your language. Link: multilingualdisabilityhub.info/language/
List of Community Organisations in NSW
Link: List of NSW Community Organisations
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association
Telephone: 1800 629 072 Link: mdaa.org.au
Multicultural Health Communication Service NSW
Telephone: (02) 9816 0347 Link: www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au
Carers NSW
Link: www.carersnsw.asn.au/
Carers Australia
Link: www.carersaustralia.com.au/
Cerebral Palsy Group
The Cerebral Palsy Group provide FREE support and useful resources to individuals and families who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Link: Cerebral Palsy Group
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Link: www.ndis.gov.au/families-carers
NSW Government Information for Carers
Link: www.facs.nsw.gov.au/inclusion/disability
Physical Disability Council NSW
Link: www.pdcnsw.org.au
Abuse and Neglect Hotline
If you suspect vulnerable persons are experiencing abuse or neglect, you can call 1800 880 052. The website has further information. Link: www.jobaccess.gov.au/people-with-disability/do-you-need-report-abuse-or-neglect-people-with-disability
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.
We regulate NDIS providers, provide national consistency, promote safety and quality services, resolve problems and identify areas for improvement. Link: https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/
Health Care Complaints Commission
For complaints about health services.
Telephone: 1800 043 159 Link: www.hccc.nsw.gov.au
Complaints Info Line
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC).
Telephone: 1300656419 Link: www.humanrights.gov.au/complaints/complaint-guides/what-you-can-complain-about/complaints-under-disability-discrimination
Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW - Disability Access Plan
Telephone: 1800 670 812 Link: https://www.justice.nsw.gov.au/diversityservices
NDIS Grass Roots Discussion Group
A group for people with disabilities, family members and supporters to discuss the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and what we need from it to live full lives. Link: www.facebook.com/NDIS Grass Roots Discussion Group
Parent discussion forum
Forum for parents of children with a disability. Link: raisingchildren.net.au
My Time parent support group
The website offers tips and info for parents with children under 16 years of age. Link: www.mytime.net.au
The Parent and Carer Resource Centre
The Sydney Childrens Hospital Network has a centre designed by parents for parents. It provides a non-clinical, homely environment where parents and carers can take a break. Link: www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/find-a-service/health-medical-services/parent-and-carer-support
Carer Support Groups
Link: www.carersnsw.org.au/how-we-help/support/csg/
Accessible Arts NSW
Accessible Arts is the peak arts and disability organisation across New South Wales. Accessible Arts promotes and provides opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in arts and cultural activities either as audience members; through attending galleries, theatres, museums and festivals; or as participants in art, drama, music, dance and multimedia activities; and by developing as professional artists. Link: www.aarts.net.au/
Parents for Inclusion
All Means All is the Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education, a nationwide multi-stakeholder alliance of people and organisations working together to implement an inclusive education system and remove the legal, structural and attitudinal barriers that limit the rights of some students, including many students with disability, to access full inclusive education in regular classrooms in Australian schools. Link: allmeansall.org.au/for-parents/
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Telephone: 13 11 14 Link: www.lifeline.org.au
Interrelate Family Centre
A family relationship service for carers provides mediation and counselling to assist families to: make decisions about the future care arrangements for their family member with a disability; resolve conflicts that may arise within the family in relation to the future care needs with the assistance of an accredited mediator; discuss the concerns and issues around family relationships and the care of a family member with disability through general counselling sessions.
Telephone: 1800115237 or 1300 736 966 Link: www.interrelate.org.au/
Parent Line NSW
Parent Line is a telephone help line for parents and carers of children aged 0-18 years in New South Wales. They provide free support, information, referral and counselling. Telephone: 1300 1300 52 Link: www.parentline.org.au
Leura Day Options
A unique program for adults and school-leavers with disabilities, offering community access, sensory, fine-motor, art and craft, music and physical movement activities. All Greystanes staff have ongoing training and are trained in Person Centred Active Support. Contact Susan Hatswell on (02) 4784 3651. Email dayoptions@greystanes.org.au for more information
Link: www.greystanes.org.au/participating-in-the-community.htm.
NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NCID): Diagnosis and Assessment Factsheet
The NSW Council for Intellectual Disability has compiled factsheets for the various life stages around people with intellectual disability. The link below takes you to a factsheet for Diagnosis and Assessment of disability. Included is a list of early intervention services sorted by region.
Link: http://www.nswcid.org.au/images/pdf/health_fact_sheets/1_Fact-Sheet.pdf
Activ - Parent Portal Timeline
The homepage of this website has a life-events timeline with links to support and info that may be helpful at various points of your child's development, from diagnosis, through early childhood and adolescence to leaving school and so on. Link: parentportal.activ.asn.au/
Lapstone Preschool, Nepean Lifestart
Telephone: (02) 9623 2100 Link: www.lifestart.org.au
Macquarie University Special Education Centre
Telephone: (02) 9850 8691 Link: www.mq.edu.au/research/research-centres-groups-and-facilities/healthy-people/centres/musec-school
Department of Education and Training
A website with extremely useful information for parents and carers of children with disabilities starting school. Link: education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/disability-learning-and-support
Getting ready for school
Information about services for students with disabilities in NSW Public Schools is contained in the publication. Link: education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/going-to-a-public-school/media/documents/grfs-childwithdisability.pdf
Assistive Technology Australia
Assistive Technology Australia (previously, Independent Living Centre NSW) is a leading information, education, and advisory centre for Assistive Technology and the Built Environment. They provide impartial advice, information and leadership that builds capacity. Link: at-aust.org/
Safety and Mobility equipment
NDIS Registered. With everything from commodes to beds, mattresses to mobility aids, recliner chairs to fall prevention equipment. Contact Melanie at Head Office on (02) 9983 9520. Link: www.safetyandmobility.com.au/
NDIS Registered. Arjo is a supplier of medical devices, services and solutions for people with reduced mobility and age-related health challenges. Link: www.arjo.com/en-au/products/
Hospital at Home
Telephone: 1300 303 604 Link: www.hospitalathome.com.au
Connect Child and Family Services
Telephone: (02) 4758 9966 Link: www.connectcfs.org.au/
Barnardos Penrith Centre Family Support Program
Programs operating from the Penrith centre include: Crises Intake Service; Family Support; Temporary Foster Care; Family Semi Supported Accommodation; Respite and Vacation Care for children with disabilities; Youth Services. WAGS started in 1991 providing services aimed to directly assist families where children have a disability. Group activities for adolescents with a disability (TEEPS and TASS) have been developed and they offer recreational activities and individual respite. Contact (02) 4729 1211 Link: https://www.barnardos.org.au/our-centres/penrith/
University of New South Wales – Intensive Family Support Program Report
Keeping children with a disability safely in their families. Link: www.arts.unsw.edu.au/media/FASSFile/Front_Desk_IFS_Report.pdf
Early Links Program Northcott
Support family in accessing appropriate services. Contact Parramatta office: 02 9890 100 or Penrith office: 02 4720 4400. Link: northcott.com.au/service/early-links-program/
Blackheath Neighbourhood Centred (BANC)
Registered NDIS Provider. BANC can help you with Support Coordination; Plan Management; Social Group and activities. Link: http://bancnsw.org.au/
Belong Blue Mountains (Katoomba Neighbourhood Centred, Mid Mountains and Lower Mountains)
Registered NDIS Provider. Belong can help you with Support Coordination; Plan Management; Home Modification; Garden Maintenance; Social groups and activities. For Katoomba telephone: 4782 1117 or email ndis@kncinc.org.au Link: https://belongbluemountains.org.au/
The Working Carers Support Gateway
Link: www.carergateway.gov.au/working-and-caring
Bureau of Health Information
Link: www.bhi.nsw.gov.au/
Family Relationships Online
Link: www.familyrelationships.gov.au/
People With Disability Australia
Link: www.pwd.org.au
Link: www.ideas.org.au
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is the national peak body which represents children and young people (aged 0-25) with disability.
Link: https://www.cyda.org.au/
International Day of People with Disability website
Link: www.idpwd.com.au
Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA)
Link: www.wwda.org.au
National Ethnic Disability Alliance
Link: www.neda.org.au
Disability and Aged Information Service Inc.
Link: www.daisi.asn.au
Penrith Disabilities Resource Centre
Link: www.pdrc.org.au
Richmond Community Services Inc.
Link: www.rcsi-neighbourhoodcentre.org
Kid Needs website
Link: www.kidneeds.com/
STaR ~ access, opportunity and acceptance
Link: www.star.org.au
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Telephone: 1800 800 11 Link: www.ndis.gov.au
Local Area Coordinators Locations (NDIA)
Link: www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/locations.html#nsw_lac
Communities and Justice NSW (Nepean Blue Mountains)
Blue Mountains, 435-437 Great Western Highway Faulconbridge NSW 2776
Telephone: 02 4752 2600
Hawkesbury, Level 1, 300 George Street Windsor NSW 2756
Telephone: 02 4574 6666
Lithgow, 109 Main Street Lithgow NSW 2790
Telephone: 02 6354 0800
Penrith, 2-6 Station Street Penrith NSW 2751
Telephone: 02 4722 7300
St Marys, 225-227 Queen Street St Marys NSW 2760
Telephone: 02 9851 4100
Link: https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/inclusion/disability
NSW Department of Health
Link: www.health.nsw.gov.au/disability
Legal Aid
Law Access Telephone: 1300 888 529
Link: https://www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au/
Anti-Discrimination Board
Telephone: 02 8688 7777
Healthdirect 24 hour hotline
The Healthdirect Australia service is now available across NSW and provides a 24-hour hotline for people who need health advice. The advice is delivered by highly skilled Registered Nurses who are supported by health triage software, a website and an up-to-date service directory of local facilities. If people have a health concern and are unsure what to do next they can call Healthdirect which will deliver important health information and help people make good choices about where to seek treatment and when. Calls to Healthdirect Australia on landlines are free but mobile charges may apply. Telephone: 1800 022 222 Link: www.healthdirect.org.au/
Health Direct National Directory
Link: https://about.healthdirect.gov.au/nhsd
Advancing Better Sleep
The Tuck Sleep is an evidence based sleep health information website. Link: Comprehensive Guide to Sleep Apnea. For an overview of the connection between sleep and general health click on the link below as it discusses almost every aspect and includes more than 30 citations of studies from sleep authorities and recent research. Link: Importance of Sleep
Sleep guide for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Link: Sleep guide for Children with autism spectrum disorder
The Continence Promotion Outreach Program
Covers Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains. A part time clinical service funded by Home and Community Care (HACC) for all age groups. The Continence Foundation brings this service to your home. Telephone: (02) 8741 5699 Link: www.continence.org.au/
Carer Support Program
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network provides support to parents and carers at Sydney’s childrens hospitals. Link: http://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/
Mesothelioma Group
Free step-by-step guidance, caregiving support, and invaluable resources and information on mesothelioma. Link: www.mesotheliomagroup.com
Home Modification Information Clearing House
Link: www.homemods.info/
Guide to Room-by-Room Repairs for Easy Accessibility
Link: home-accessibility-room-to-room-guide
Creating a Wheelchair-Friendly Home: A Complete Guide (US)
Link: wheelchair-accessible-home-modifications
Wood Ramp Design: How to Add a Ramp that Looks Good and Works Too
Link: Ramp Booklet
Top 5 things to consider when designing an accessible bathroom for wheelchair users
Link: Top 5 things to consider designing accessible bathroom
Creating a Wheelchair-Accessible Backyard For Visitors
Link: Creating a wheelchair accessible backyard for visitors
Wheelchair Gardening Tip
Link: Wheelchair gardening tips
Building an Accessible Garage
The Parent and Carer Resource Centre
The Centre has been designed by parents for parents. It provides a non-clinical, homely environment where parents and carers can take a break. The Centre is staffed by a team of fantastic volunteers who are dedicated to providing a friendly atmosphere and a listening ear.
Telephone: (02) 9845 0580 or (02) 9845 3590
Link: http://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/find-a-service/health-medical-services/parent-and-carer-support
Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital
Great Western Highway, Katoomba NSW 2780 Telephone: (02) 4784 6500
Springwood Hospital
7 Huntley Grange Road, Springwood NSW Telephone: (02) 4751 0300
Nepean Hospital
Somerset Street, Kingswood NSW Telephone: (02) 4734 2000
Hawkesbury District Health Service
cnr Day and Macquarie Streets, Windsor Telephone: (02) 4560 5555
Liverpool Hospital
Corner of Elizabeth and Goulburn Streets, LIVERPOOL NSW 2170 Link: www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/liverpool/
Royal Rehab
235 Morrison Rd, Putney NSW 2112 Link: http://www.royalrehab.com.au/
Westmead Children's Hospital
cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth St, Westmead Telephone: (02) 9845 0000
Link: www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/hospitals/chw
Westmead Hospital
cnr Hawkesbury and Darcy Roads, Westmead Telephone: (02) 9845 5555
Allowah Children's Hospital
Allowah is a hospital which cares for children and young people up to the age of 16 with physical and intellectual disabilities such as genetic or chromosomal disorders, birth trauma, cerebral palsy, head injuries, and diseases acquired after birth. Telephone: (02) 9858 4994 Link: www.allowah.org.au/
Greystanes Home Support Services
Whether you are seeking services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), are a participant with iCARE (Lifetime Care and Support Authority) or are seeking private home support Greystanes provide flexible in-home support to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the Blue Mountains, Lithgow, Nepean, Hawkesbury and Greater Western Sydney region. Telephone Jacqui Kerrison on 0439 286 702
Community Justice Centres
CJCs contribute to the safety and harmony of communities by improving individual, group and community responses to, and resolution of, conflict. They provide quality mediation and conflict management services for metropolitan and regional New South Wales. Their services are free, confidential, impartial, accessible and voluntary.
Telephone: 1800 990 777 Link: www.cjc.nsw.gov.au
Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre – Katoomba
Telephone: 4704 0207 Link: www.eeclc.org.au
Legal Aid – Penrith Office
Telephone: (02) 4732 3077 Link: www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au
Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS)
Community legal centre in NSW for people with intellectual disability.
Telephone: 1800 666 611 Link: www.idrs.org.au
Disability Discrimination Legal Centre (NSW)
Telephone: 1800 800 708 Link: http://disabilitylaw.org.au/
Aboriginal Legal Service - NSW/ACT (ALS)
A community-controlled organization responsible for providing legal aid services to Aboriginal people in NSW and the ACT. The ALS has approximately 24 offices across NSW and the ACT from which it provides legal advice, referral and casework assistance in the fields of Criminal and Family Law (including Care and Protection). ALS also provides advice on Civil Law matters from some of its offices.
Telephone: (02) 8836 3400 Link: www.alsnswact.org.au/
Law Access Online
On this site you will find legal information and assistive services
NSW CID Resource Library and Information Line
The NSW Council for Intellectual Disability operates an extensive resource library with information on intellectual disability, and welcomes enquiries from individuals, families, carers and organisations. The info line number is freecall 1800 424 065. Link: www.nswcid.org.au
Connect Child and Family Services Inc.
Telephone: (02) 4578 9966 Link: www.connectcfs.org.au
Toy Library Outreach Service
Specialise in providing toys for children with disabilities and high support needs. Featuring switch-adapted, sensory and educational toys, children will delight in making them function through lighting up, playing sounds and movement. Through hands-on play, they can build valuable problem-solving, coordination, reasoning, numeracy, literacy and fine motor skills. A specialised outreach service is available, with the Library Children’s Inclusion Officer providing home visits for families living in the Penrith area or one-on-one borrowing sessions by appointment and opportunities for extended loan periods. Referrals are required to access this service. For details on the referral process for the Toy Library Outreach Service call 0418 664 879. Link: www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au/Community-and-Library/Library/Children-and-Young-People
Family Advocacy Library – Inclusion Collection
Link: www.family-advocacy.com/resources
Activ Learning and Discovery Centre
Noah's Ark WA and Activ Library have merged to create an amazing new service known as Activ Learning and Discovery Centre. Link: www.activ.asn.au/ALDC
Breakaway Camps
Breakaway runs camps for children and young people with complex disabilities, and they also run camps for their siblings.
Telephone: (02) 4390 7624 Email: info@breakaway.org.au Link: www.breakaway.org.au
Sailors with disABILITIES
Sailors with disABILITIES is committed to changing society's perception of people with disabilities. Harbour sailing, ocean racing, the youth program and the inshore and coastal training program are just some of the ways of achieving this.
Telephone: (02) 8230 0880 Link: www.sailorswithdisabilities.com
Leisure Options: Accessible travel for all
Leisure Options creates barrier-free local, national and international holidays for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. Holiday packages can be customised to provide a relaxing or exciting time for people with all ranges of abilities from the independent to those requiring 1:1 support. Leisure Options specialises in disability travel and our travellers include those with acquired brain injuries, people requiring a travel companion, the frail or elderly and families in need of respite support. Link: www.leisureoptions.com.au
Sailability Penrith Lakes
Sailability caters for people with a wide range of disabilities and experiences, has support from state sporting authorities and works closely with a variety of disability organisations around Australia, ensuring that people with disabilities have the opportunity to sail in safety.
Link: www.sailabilitypenrithlakes.org.au
Auburn Botanical Garden Equal Access Playground
This innovative playground on the corner of Chisholm and Chiswick Roads has three main features linked by a wheelchair accessible pathway: Play structure, Maze, and a Liberty Swing. Link: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/venues-hire/parks-and-gardens/auburn-botanic-gardens
Riding for the Disabled Association
Provides people with a disability the opportunity to ride and enjoy all the activities connected with horse riding. Riding for people with a disability is both therapeutic and recreational. Link: www.rdansw.org.au
RDA Nepean Centre - (02) 9623 4173
RDA Blue Mountains Centre - (02) 4739 6829
Accessible Skiing
Ski 2 Freedom has an extensive portfolio of information and contacts ensures that beneficiaries achieve barrier-free access to the European mountains. They provide a global and comprehensive guide and tailor our advice and support to meet your specific requirements. Life is about inclusivity, accessibility and health-restoring opportunities.
Link: ski2freedom.com
Reach Out
The website includes links to information about issues that affect young people, and to places where you can get support. There is also an online community forum where you can communicate with others. Link: au.reachout.com
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
You can call this number any time you're feeling stressed and someone will be there to listen. It's free to call too. kidshelpline.com.au
Siblings Australia
Siblings Australia has just updated their website to include forums for young, teen and adult siblings. Young siblings will need parental consent to access the forums.
Link: www.siblingsaustralia.org.au
Carers Australia Young Carers Project
Check out the room where young carers can chat to each other, play games, get info and resources and find useful links. Link: youngcarersnetwork.com.au
Community Transport is wheelchair accessible and generally affordable for those who need to access the services. Specialist services will provide transport to shopping, outings, respite and medical appointments. Included in this list are taxi companies with wheelchair accessible vehicles. If you need to modify your own vehicle we can recommend Freedom Motors Australia who convert most standard vehicles into wheelchair accessible vehicles.
Public Transport Accessibility Information
Links: transportnsw.info/travel-info/using-public-transport/accessible-travel
NSW Transport Infoline Telephone: 131 500
Great Community Transport Telephone: (02) 4759 2403
Link: www.greatcommunitytransport.org.au
Katoomba-Leura Radio Cabs For Blue Mountains residents, (02) 4782 1311
Penrith Accessible Transport 0416 157 668
Peppercorn Community Transport For Hawkesbury residents, (02) 4587 0222
Hawkesbury Richmond Windsor Taxi Service
For Hawkesbury residents, 0416 960 913
Freedom Motors Australia convert most standard vehicles into wheelchair accessible vehicles working with you and/or your occupational therapist to find the best solution for your specific needs. Link: Freedom Motors Australia
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